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テニスオフポイント 1 TP

Let's enjoy tennis together!

小学校の頃からテニスを始め、約2年間楽しみましたが、学業に専念するため一旦テニスを中断しました。 大学院での勉強が非常に厳しかった時期に、再びテニスを思い出しました。 それ以来、テニスは私にとってなくてはならない活力の源となっています。 초등학교 시절 테니스를 시작해 2년 정도 즐겼지만, 학업에 집중하기 위해 라켓을 잠시 내려놓았습니다. 대학원 생활의 어려움 속에서 테니스가 다시 떠올랐고, 그때부터 테니스는 제 삶의 활력소가 되어주었습니다. I started playing tennis in elementary school and enjoyed it for about two years, but I had to give it up to focus on my studies. When I was struggling with my graduate studies, tennis came to mind, and since then, it has become an essential source of energy in my life.

アラート機能をどうぞ: f2hard3 さんが新しいテニスオフを開催登録したときに あなたにメールでお知らせ


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